Hill Cozies Up to Zick
Apparently Bob Hill's campaign strategy is to get even cozier with the local "operation chaos" gang who have been working to subvert the local DFL. Here's a screen shot of Bob Zick's cable access TV show (a reliable venue for DFL-bashing) last night, featuring Hill, Zick himself, Diana Longrie, and some other guy.
Hill is challenging DFL-endorsed candidate Peter Fischer in this month's primary for House District 43A. Zick is running to be the Republican candidate against DFL incumbent Leon Lillie in House District 43B. Longrie is challenging DFL Congresswoman Betty McCollum. In 2008, Longrie also challenged Leon Lillie by running against him in the DFL primary...while she was still listed as an officer of the local Republican party. That year, Zick sent mailings encouraging voters who supported him to vote for Longrie in the DFL primary as "operation chaos."
In 2008 Zick was on the Independence Party ticket, thereby avoiding a primary and getting a government handout of public campaign financing. I guess he shares a willingness with Hill to jump parties when it seems politically convenient -- Hill, the self-described "lifelong Democrat," hosted Independence Party caucuses this year (before he knew he'd be redrawn into a DFL-leaning district). Come to think of it, Longrie has been known to hitch herself to the IP when it suits her purposes as well.
What next? Should we expect to see Hill kissing the ring of Rush Limbaugh?

Hill is challenging DFL-endorsed candidate Peter Fischer in this month's primary for House District 43A. Zick is running to be the Republican candidate against DFL incumbent Leon Lillie in House District 43B. Longrie is challenging DFL Congresswoman Betty McCollum. In 2008, Longrie also challenged Leon Lillie by running against him in the DFL primary...while she was still listed as an officer of the local Republican party. That year, Zick sent mailings encouraging voters who supported him to vote for Longrie in the DFL primary as "operation chaos."
In 2008 Zick was on the Independence Party ticket, thereby avoiding a primary and getting a government handout of public campaign financing. I guess he shares a willingness with Hill to jump parties when it seems politically convenient -- Hill, the self-described "lifelong Democrat," hosted Independence Party caucuses this year (before he knew he'd be redrawn into a DFL-leaning district). Come to think of it, Longrie has been known to hitch herself to the IP when it suits her purposes as well.
What next? Should we expect to see Hill kissing the ring of Rush Limbaugh?
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