Storm Debris Pickup
I found this link on the city web page yesterday afternoon, after our power came on. Apparently Public Works had already gone through our neighborhood by the time I (or any of the neighbors I've talked to) learned about the debris pick-up, but the city may reconsider the "one pass" idea. After all, yesterday evening Xcel was still working to restore power to some parts of my neighborhood, and my neighbors and I weren't even able to start clearing debris before Xcel's tree crew had cut the fallen front yard tree off of the power line on Sunday evening.
If you have downed branches and trees, keep an eye on the city web page for updates, or call public works to see if they've gone through your neighborhood already.
If you have downed branches and trees, keep an eye on the city web page for updates, or call public works to see if they've gone through your neighborhood already.

Labels: public works