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John Nephew

Maplewood City Council Policy & Politics


Roseville Talking Trash

I came across an article in the Roseville Patch about their public works commission considering the topic of organized trash collection.

Testifying against it at the meeting were Randy's Environmental and ACE Solid Waste.  These firms, as you may recall, are not licensed to serve Maplewood residents, but both poured money into our election this fall to defeat me -- both in direct corporate spending (as "Garbage Haulers for Citizen Choice"), and in the contributions of owners and officers to Marv Koppen's campaign.  Two individuals who are officers or owners of Randy's -- James Wollschlager and Mark Stoltman -- gave Marv the legal maximum $300 contribution.  (His finance report listed their employer/occupation as "unknown," though it was easy to identify their association with the hauler with a google search.  In fact, all of his "unknown employer" contributors can be identified as being affiliated with haulers.)

As I said at the time, though not having business in Maplewood, these firms were interested in intimidating other city councils -- and I figured Roseville is a particular target, given the market share of these firms their and the interest that Roseville residents and commissioners have been showing in the topic in recent months.  Sure enough, the haulers used the example they made of me to not so subtly threaten the same treatment for Roseville officials who threaten their profits.

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