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John Nephew

Maplewood City Council Policy & Politics


City Postcard About Trash Proposal

The city has sent out a postcard to let residents know about the proposed trash contract and its prices, which we will be voting on next Monday.

I've gotten a couple of calls today from folks who received the card but were confused by the "EOW" (every other week) option.  To be clear, every other week is an option for the 20 gallon container size, for households with very little trash.  All of the other options (20, 30, 60, 90 gallon) are for weekly pickup, just as people are accustomed to.

Another point of clarification: The exact container sizes are not known at this time; they should be in the usual range (90 to 98 gallons, for instance, for the largest size), and will depend on the vendor and model of carts ultimately chosen for purchase if the city adopts the plan.


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