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John Nephew

Maplewood City Council Policy & Politics


Changing (or Enforcing) Current Trash Ordinance?

An article in this week's Maplewood Review discusses last week's council workshop, in which we explored issues about the current trash hauling ordinance and its enforcement or lack thereof.  One important take-away is that, roughly speaking, actually enforcing the current ordinance (which some have argued is all that needs to be done) would cost about as much in terms of city resources, staff time, etc., as managing an organized hauling contract.  And another is that residents on average are paying significantly more than the rates reported to the city when haulers renewed their licenses at the start of the year.

My part of the workshop was focused on the issue of rate reporting, and the big gap between what many Maplewood residents pay and what the haulers report to the city as their rates.

For background, check out my original April 25th presentation about hauler bills, my related presentation to the Ramsey County League of Local Government in June, and my written report for the August 29th workshop.

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