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John Nephew

Maplewood City Council Policy & Politics


A Note of Thanks After the Primary

After a day of post-election recuperation, I wanted to post a note of thanks to a bunch of people who made my first-place finish possible, with apologies of course to the folks I'll afterwards remember that I should have mentioned.

First of all, my wife, Michelle, who helped distributed literature, and edited and designed the graphics of the literature as well; and my daughters, Emma and Sophie, who did their best to help with door-knocking and lit-dropping, given the limitations of being not quite two years old.  Thanks to everyone who met us at the door with a welcoming smile, or came up to me in the store or on the street with words of encouragement.

More people knocked on doors and dropped lit on my behalf before the primary: Marie, Luke, Jim, Char, Gene, Peter, Will, Mary, Stephan, Robert, Ginny, Roxanne, Nora, Sean, and of course my Dad -- and I know that some of you guys brought along some other folks to help on your routes, so please thank them on my behalf as well.  And thanks, Mom, for watching the twins while we were door-knocking.  Thanks to Christeen, Lyn, Michelle and Jess for the phone calls made on my behalf.

Special thanks to Bob for doing so much of the initial lawn-sign installation, helping put signs in new locations as they're requested, and replacing the ones that vanish mysteriously a day before the election.  Thank you for everyone hosting a lawn sign, especially given how long the election season is now with the earlier primary season.

Thanks to the 43 generous donors who have contributed nearly $4,000 to my re-election campaign fund this year to date, to the dozens of folks who have permitted me to list them as supporters, and to the Maplewood DFL and the IBEW for their endorsements.

Finally, thank you to all 932 voters who made time to vote in the middle of the summer, and made me one of their choices.  I'm humbled by your support, and the support of all these amazing people without whom I certainly could not succeed.

Three months more of campaigning lie ahead, but knowing these folks and more have my back, I'm energized to hit the campaign trail with confidence and enthusiasm.


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