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John Nephew

Maplewood City Council Policy & Politics


Townhomes & Associations

The topic of townhomes and homeowners' associations has come up in several of my conversations with residents.

From looking at other cities with organized collection, it seems typical that homeowners' associations are exempted from the city's organized collection arrangement, just like apartments and commercial buildings.  If an association is already using competitive bidding to select a single hauler for all their members' homes, then they are already able to achieve the general goals of organized collection.

What we might be able to do is offer the associations the option to join on the city contract, in case it offers a better price or service options than they can get on their own.  I don't know if it would be easy to include that option in an organization plan, but it's something we could include in the discussions if we approve Monday's resolution and move into a planning phase.


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