Right on Time
Friday, exactly when expected (ten days ahead of the hearing), there was a new, misleading letter from the National Solid Waste Management Association in Maplewood mailboxes, stirring up fears about organized collection.
In case you haven't seen it, or missed the details as it went straight in the recycling bin, here's the envelope it comes in (open immediately! it insists with alarm):

And here's the letter itself:
(If the embedded Google Docs gives you trouble, try this direct link.)
As with last fall's mailing, they apparently are using a defective mailing list, and are spamming many residents of neighboring communities. Friday I heard from several Saint Paul residents who were annoyed to receive it. They called me because my home phone number is on the letter, and no one answered when they tried to reach the NSWMA phone number in the letter.
In case you haven't seen it, or missed the details as it went straight in the recycling bin, here's the envelope it comes in (open immediately! it insists with alarm):

And here's the letter itself:
(If the embedded Google Docs gives you trouble, try this direct link.)
As with last fall's mailing, they apparently are using a defective mailing list, and are spamming many residents of neighboring communities. Friday I heard from several Saint Paul residents who were annoyed to receive it. They called me because my home phone number is on the letter, and no one answered when they tried to reach the NSWMA phone number in the letter.
Labels: organized collection
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