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John Nephew

Maplewood City Council Policy & Politics


Video: Citizens Forum, 9/11/2010

This past Saturday, I hosted the monthly Citizens Forum. The featured guest was Maplewood's attorney for Human Resources and employment matters, Chuck Bethel. As usual, there was also a lively back and forth on a variety of city issues, and a chance to debunk some of the rumors in circulation.

A couple of years ago a resident used to audio record the Forums (and give copies to the city, in case anyone else wanted to request them). More recently, Diana Longrie and friends have been showing up with video cameras (checked out from the cable access station, I presume), but I don't know what they do with whatever footage they shoot.

I thought it might be a good idea to both record the event and make it easily accessible to any and all. So I brought a home video camera and a tripod, set it up in the corner of the room, and recorded the event, a little over two hours long. Great cinematography it's not (though I did change the view a couple of times, just to focus in on Chuck Bethel's powerpoint and then back on the group), especially with the compression to reduce the file size for uploading, but if you couldn't make it or have never come to a Citizens Forum, you can see what you missed.

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